GB Kent Wholesale Supplies in NZ
William Kent established his company, G.B. Kent and Sons Ltd, in London in 1777, the same year that ground-breaking research into the discovery of oxygen was published. The business was founded, remarkably, more than 25 years before the invention of the train and the bicycle and even before iconic British landmarks such as Big Ben.
G B Kent and Sons PLC is family owned and one of the oldest brush makers in the world still in business today. A Royal Warrant Holder through 9 Regal Reigns and currently to H M Queen Elizabeth II, the company was in 2017 bestowed with the Queen’s Award for Enterprise – International Business. Kent operates in over 60 markets.
Original production methods were entirely by hand, where Kent Brushes still retains its international reputation for luxury hand-made brushes.
More modern production methods currently address a wide range of market-appropriate products in diverse price categories, through hair tools for salon professionals, hairbrushes across all price categories, combs, shaving, clothes care etc.
Barber Brands® New Zealand is NZ's sole distributor of Kent products to the trade. We import and supply Kent combs and brushes to barbershops and retailers throughout NZ
G B Kent and Sons PLC is family owned and one of the oldest brush makers in the world still in business today. A Royal Warrant Holder through 9 Regal Reigns and currently to H M Queen Elizabeth II, the company was in 2017 bestowed with the Queen’s Award for Enterprise – International Business. Kent operates in over 60 markets.
Original production methods were entirely by hand, where Kent Brushes still retains its international reputation for luxury hand-made brushes.
More modern production methods currently address a wide range of market-appropriate products in diverse price categories, through hair tools for salon professionals, hairbrushes across all price categories, combs, shaving, clothes care etc.
Barber Brands® New Zealand is NZ's sole distributor of Kent products to the trade. We import and supply Kent combs and brushes to barbershops and retailers throughout NZ